Strokovni članek
Economic sphere requires competencies not only knowledge and skills and Student-Centred Learning (SCL) in tertiary education is a pedagogical response to this requirement. As concerns SCL, tertiary education has a lot to learn from adult education which is successful when put in relation with the learners' life, needs, interests and aspirations. SCL is about developing competencies or, to put it differently, it is about mobilising students who need a certain amount of academic knowledge, know-how and who need to internalise certain ethical principles. Teachers who have adopted SCL create learning situations, combine learning locations, apply learner centred methods, acting simultaneously as a good resource of knowledge and learners. Their role is to guide the learners thinking in the right direction, to be interested in what students have learned but also how they have been learning. Having been deeply involved in both tertiary and adult education, Dušana Findeisen presents how and why the project Seeing, Hearing, Reading Together was conceived and developed due to her own endeavours and those of her students of andragogy at University of Ljubljana. She is focusing on the meaning and role of single project stages, the contribution of different institutions as well as the highly important role of the final public event, leading competencies.
Poljudni članek
Ime dejavnosti
Elementi gozdne pedagogike pri izvedbi predavanja v višješolskem programu za medijsko produkcijo
Izkoristiti gozd v neposredni bližini šole za razvijanje osebnega odnosa do narave kot učiteljice lepega, estetskega, za spodbujanje etičnega ravnanja, za zavedanje pomena ohranjanja naravne dediščine, za povečanje zaupanja vase in svoje sposobnosti ter se hkrati učiti uspešnega timskega dela, za terapevtsko delovanje na mladostnike, ki lahko pomaga iz primeža vpliva medijev, ki povzročajo napetosti in nenazadnje zasvojenosti.
Strokovni članek
This paper intends to present a short literature survey on cultural diversity among preschool teachers and children and some case studies that illustrate the situation in a Slovenian kindergarten that accepts children of foreign citizens. The paper concludes with the statement that Slovenian kindergartens should have more tools to do something for children of foreigners who work or study in Slovenia and/or for people whose culture is different from ours.
Strokovni članek
Za vrhunski rezultat v športu je potrebno imeti pravilno organiziran tim, sestavljen iz strokovnjakov, ki lahko s svojim znanjem dodajo kamenček v mozaik rezultata. Prepričanje, povezanost in ustreznost ekipe ter samozavest je predpogoj za vrhunski rezultat vsakega športnika in športne ekipe/moštva. Naši športniki nas vedno znova prepričajo, da lahko športnik ali ekipa lahko uspe le ob upoštevanju določenih predpisanih pravil, poleg tega mora imeti oziroma razviti ustrezne vrednote ter si zgraditi ustrezno in primerno samopodobo. V gospodarstvu in javnem sektorju največkrat naletimo na nasprotno od tega, kar počnejo naši uspešni športniki. Če želimo imeti vrhunske rezultate, moramo to delati tako, kot to delajo tisti, ki jih dosegajo – naši športniki.
Ključne besede: samozavest, organizacija, vrednote, vrhunski rezultat, športni timi