Pregledni znanstveni članek
This research was performed as a part of the Erasmus+ project Empowering teachers for a student-centred approach within which three higher education institutions investigated the student-centred and/or personalised approach in Slovenia, Lithuania and Poland, prepared a handbook of good practices for teachers and published several peer-reviewed articles on student-centred learning. The aims of this paper are to critically evaluate the latest research findings in student-centred learning and make an empirical research on how university teachers in Slovenia use this pedagogical approach, how they try to personalise learning, and what are the main challenges faced by teachers. The research methodology includes a survey of the contemporary literature on student-centred learning and an analysis of questionnaires completed by university lecturers. The introductory part emphasizes the importance of the Bologna system for the development of student-centred learning, discusses the characteristics and the most popular types of the student-centred learning, and the importance of giving feedback to students. The research shows that student-centred learning is introduced in different professional fields, in different geographical areas and that it can be practiced also in big classes. The empirical part of the research presents data analysis of the questionnaires answered by 100 teachers from Slovenia. The analysis shows that SCL, or some of its facets at least, are well known to teachers and that they are aware of the positive effects of student-centred learning on student attainment and motivation. Whilst teachers and students are acquainted with student-centred learning to a certain degree, they are in need of more guidance, knowledge and understanding regarding its application and practice.
Keywords: student-centred learning, research, teachers, high school education.
Strokovni članek

This research is a part of the Erasmus+ project, Ethical values for preschool children. The paper intends to show how students of preschool education in Slovenia and in Turkey get acquainted with value education and how is value education presented in the kindergarten curricula. Analysis of BA programmes for preschool teachers proves that the students acquire rather poor knowledge of value education during their university studies. Analysis of the preschool curricula shows that these documents require that preschool teachers teach value education. However, values are included in preschool curricula only as aims and principles and not described as concrete activities as e.g. mathematics, languages, society etc. The research study is concluded with suggestions that value education should be included both in the BA programmes for preschool teachers as well as in the preschool curricula.
Keywords: ethics, values, preschool education, kindergarten teachers, university programmes, preschool curricula