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Abstract There is an increasing emphasis on the necessity of a student-centred approach to teaching and learning. As a starting point, the paper provides a brief overview of the role and benefits of this approach, focusing mainly on foreign language learning. One of the key drivers of successful learning is motivation. Therefore, teachers should find ways how to make teaching and learning effective, and at the same time, motivating and enjoyable, always considering the needs of the students. The paper brings up certain strategies to inspire students so as to make them actively participate and involved in their own learning process.
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Abstract This article intends to describe the most important characteristics of the student-centred learning and points out what students think about it. The paper first presents a short survey of relevant authors on student-centred learning and mentions especially its features in the learning process and assessment. It lists the most typical types of the student-centred learning and describes the new role of the teachers in this pedagogical approach. Seven students of the BA International Business describe good practices which they faced during their studies and show that students like this approach. Keywords: tertiary education, student-centred learning, students' voice
Poljudni članek
Ime dejavnosti: Brainstorming ali možganska nevihta
Namen Razvijanje divergentnega mišljenja, spodbujanje lateralnega razmišljanja, pridobiti kar se da veliko število asociacij, spodbujanje študentov h kulturnemu razpravljanju brez verbalne agresije, kritično razpravljanje o mitih v zvezi s temo.
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Abstract Lecturers at the School of Economics, Novo mesto, Higher Vocational College, strive for the highest quality of work with students. Introduction of new teaching methods should help provide them with knowledge that they will be able to use in their professional and private lives. One such method is the "pro et contra" debate. Lecturers in three first year study courses in the programme Economist decided to include our two-year project for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle into interdisciplinary teaching in the form of a debate. We formed three discussion statements on the importance of health for social welfare. The following debate statements were formed: - Concern for the employees’ health is the responsibility of the company. - Multinationals determine the way of our nutrition. - Economic development is a prerequisite for social prosperity.
It was our objective that the students learn to project the knowledge they gained in economic subjects, onto the field of health and general social prosperity and to consolidate and broaden their knowledge. They should also get used to teamwork and independently and autonomously advocate their points of view. Students had to analyse different articles, write down the pros and cons of technological development and progress in general. The students were assigned the statement and their debating team by a draw. All debates were assessed by a panel of lecturers from various subject areas. They assessed the presentation of arguments, rebuttals and concluding statements and declared the winning team. The final evaluation, which was a guided self-reflection, showed that by preparing for the debate and with its implementation, the students learned more than they would in traditional lessons.
Keywords: interdisciplinary teaching, debate, debate statement