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IBS International Business School Ljubljana

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Letnik 11, št. 2

Strokovni članek


Virus Covid-19 je precej posegel v naše življenje in vse bolj se zavedamo pomembnosti medicinskih izdelkov. Zdravstvo potrebuje zanesljivo laboratorijsko diagnostiko, ker je njena vloga, da izbira najboljše metode in izdelke, ki so v danem trenutku na trgu, da zagotavlja kakovostne in zanesljive rezultate v najkrajšem možnem času. Zaupanje v medicinske izdelke morajo imeti tudi splošni uporabniki. V naši raziskavi nas je zanimalo mnenje zaposlenih v zdravstvenih ustanovah o medicinskih izdelkih pred virusom Covid-19. Izvedli smo primerjavo z mnenjem uporabnikov  medicinskih izdelkov, ki se uporabljajo za diagnosticiranje prisotnosti virusa Covid-19, ki so v današnjem času vse bolj pomembni. Prišli smo do zaključkov, da so mnenja zelo podobna in da so pomembne varnost, standardi, testiranje in strokovne študije izdelkov. Drugotnega pomena so osebni stik predstavnika in predstavitev izdelka.

Ključne besede: izdelek, laboratorij, Covid-19, standard

The Covid 19 virus has significantly interfered in our lives and we are increasingly aware of the importance of medical devices. Healthcare needs reliable laboratory diagnostics, where the role is to select the best methods and products that are currently on the market to ensure quality and reliable results in the shortest possible time. General users must also have confidence in medical devices. In our study, we were interested in the opinion of healthcare professionals about medical devices before the Covid 19 virus. We made a comparison with the opinion of users of medical devices used to diagnose the presence of Covid 19 virus, which are increasingly important today. We came to the conclusion, that the opinions are very similar and that the most important are safety, standards, testing, professional and product studies. Less important are the personal representative contact and the presentation of the product.

Key words: product, laboratory, Covid 19, standard

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