Strokovni članek
Namen članka je spodbuditi profesorje višjih in visokih šol, da prevetrijo svoje delo z vidika formativnega spremljanja pouka, drugače rečeno, z vidika procesa za izboljšanje učenja in poučevanja, kar je najpreprostejša definicija formativnega spremljanja pouka. Zanj je značilno, da v središču učnega procesa ni profesor, ampak študent, ki dobi nadzor nad celotnim učenjem, in to od načrtovanja ciljev, postavljanja meril in zbiranja dokazov o znanju do orodij za samoevalvacijo. Posebej pomembno je takojšnje prejemanje povratnih informacij v obliki nasvetov, ki spodbujajo višje kognitivne procese, kreativnost in kritično mišljenje; cilj tega pa je izboljšati znanje.
Ključne besede: formativno spremljanje, učni proces, visoka šola, povratna informacija.
The purpose of the article is to encourage high school and university professors to bring a breath of fresh air to their work from the perspective of formative teaching, in other words, the process of improving learning and teaching, which is the simplest definition of formative teaching. It is characterized by the fact that, at the heart of the learning process, it is not the professor but the student who gains control over all learning: from planning goals, setting criteria and gathering evidence of knowledge to self-evaluation tools. It is particularly important for the student to receive immediate feedback in the form of advice that encourages higher cognitive processes, creativity and critical thinking; the aim is to improve knowledge.
Keywords: formative monitoring, learning process, high school, feedback.
Strokovni članek
Povzetek Prispevek razpravlja o problemih, ki zavirajo razvoj na študente osredotočenega učenja in poziva študente, naj uporabijo razpoložljive mehanizme, s pomočjo katerih bodo pospešili uvajanje učnih metod, ocenjevanja in organizacijskih elementov, ki jim bodo olajšali študij in ga naredili bolj zanimivega. Na študente osredotočeno učenje zavira prepričanje, da so stare učne metode in ocenjevanje še vedno najboljše, da se določenih splošnih načel ne sme spreminjati, da so študenti s slabimi ocenami leni, da se ne uvaja novih učnih metod, češ da so preveč rizične (npr. učenje na daljavo) itd. Študenti imajo danes vsaj formalno gledano pomembno vlogo pri odločanju na šolah. Seveda jim manjka poznavanje učnih metod, ocenjevanja in organizacijskih vidikov učenja, osredotočenega na študente. Vendar pa imajo možnosti, da preberejo, kaj pomeni na študente osredotočeno učenje in da kot močna, mlada skupnost na šolah predlagajo, da se ga začne uvajati.
Ključne besede: na študente osredotočeno učenje, ovire pri uvajanju, študenti
Abstract The paper discusses problems that hinder development of student-centred learning and invites students to use available mechanisms with which they will accelerate introduction of teaching methods, methods of assessment and organizational elements that will facilitate their study and make it more interesting. Student-centred learning is hindered by opinions that old teaching methods and assessment are still the best, that certain general principles should not be changed, that students with poor marks are lazy, that some new teaching methods should not be introduced because they are too risky (e.g. distance studies) etc. Students have nowadays at least formally an important role in decision-making. Of course they lack knowledge about teaching methods, assessment and organisational aspects of student-centred education. However, students have the possibility to read about the meaning of the student-centred learning and that they – as a young strong part of an educational institution - demand that student-centred learning should be introduced.
Key words: student-centred learning, obstacles that hinder its development, students’ voice
Strokovni članek
Tema čustvena inteligenca se nanaša na sposobnost prepoznavanja in obvladovanja lastnih čustev ter tudi čustev drugih. Glede na dejstvo, da čustvena inteligenca ni nov izraz, je bil namen članka raziskati poznavanje in razumevanje čustvene inteligence. Raziskava vsebuje teoretični del, kjer so zajete osnove teorije in predpostavke psihologov in raziskovalcev čustvene inteligence, povezava s čustvi ter prepoznavanje, upoštevanje čustvene inteligence vrste inteligenc in čustvena inteligenca v vodstvu.
Ključne besede: čustvena inteligenca, čustva, inteligenca, inteligenčni količnik, Q, IQ, SQ, EQ, zaposleni, delovno mesto, vodstvo
The topic is emotional intelligence, which refers to the ability to recognise and manage our own emotions, as well as the emotions of other people. Given the fact that the emotional intelligence is not a new topic, the purpose of this research is to explore knowledge and understanding of emotional intelligence. The research consists of a theoretical part that covers the basics of emotional intelligence, its relation to emotions, together with recognition and consideration of the emotional intelligence in the name of psychologists and other scientists.
Key words: Emotional intelligence, emotions, intelligence, Q, IQ, SQ, EQ, employees, work place, management