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E-journal IBS Newsletter is devoted to Slovenian and foreign scientists, researchers, specialists, students and experts in the fields of international business, sustainable development, foreign languages and public administration. The most important part of IBS Newsletter is publishing of reviewed scientific, research, professional and popular articles that discuss themes like international business, sustainable development, organization, law, environmental economics and politics, marketing, research methods, management, corporate social responsibility and other topics.


IBS International Business School Ljubljana

All authors who would like to contribute to IBS Newsletter are invited to send their contributions to


Mnenja o tuji predavateljici, Donati Vianelli:

donatiDonata Vianelli is Professor of Marketing at the University of Trieste, Italy. Her research interests include cross-cultural consumer behavior, international marketing strategy and market entry mode strategy, particularly franchising.


Dr. Dragan Kesič: Pomen mednarodnega poslovanja

Svet, v katerem živimo, se nenehno spreminja in tudi dinamično razvija. Vsak dan se, ne samo slovenska podjetja, ampak tudi mi kot potrošniki, srečujemo s procesi globalizacije, pospešene internacionalizacije in tudi liberalizacije poslovanja, ki vedno bolj dobiva resnično svetovne razsežnosti.


Dr. Aleša Svetic: Kako učinkovito motivirati zaposlene v sodobni organizaciji

Smo v času, ko se je treba z zaposlenimi poglobljeno ukvarjati. Zaposleni od vodstev bolj kot ukaze pričakujejo usmeritve in navdih v zameno za prizadevnost in zavzetost, ki ju sami vlagajo v delo.


Dr. Art Whatley: Teaching Sustainability in the Management Curriculum

Professor of Management and Program Chair

MA in Global Leadership and Sustainable Development

College of Natural and Computational Sciences


Dr. Igor Rižnar: Blended language learning

Despite the fact that the vast majority of foreign language teaching in Slovenia is still carried out - for various reasons - in face-to-face environments, a growing extent of foreign language teaching in a number of institutions, IBS included, has moved, at least partly, online.

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