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E-journal IBS Newsletter is devoted to Slovenian and foreign scientists, researchers, specialists, students and experts in the fields of international business, sustainable development, foreign languages and public administration. The most important part of IBS Newsletter is publishing of reviewed scientific, research, professional and popular articles that discuss themes like international business, sustainable development, organization, law, environmental economics and politics, marketing, research methods, management, corporate social responsibility and other topics.


IBS International Business School Ljubljana

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Strokovni članek



Ženske lahko veliko prispevajo k ekonomski rasti, vendar niti evropska niti svetovna ekonomija ne kaže enakosti žensk v poslovnem menedžmentu. Ženske se srečujejo s številnimi ovirami, ki jim preprečujejo vstop na vodstvene položaje, zato je potrebno raziskati ovire in možnosti posebno med tistimi, ki so že dosegle menedžerska mesta. Avtorica predstavlja intervjuje s tremi slovenskimi ženskami, ki so dosegle najvišje nivoje v menedžmentu v organizacijah kot univerza, banka in inženiring. Med njimi so razlike, vendar vse menijo, da bi morale ženske, ki želijo postati vodje, verjeti vase, trdo delati, biti poštene in zanesljive, sodelovati in spoštovati ljudi in okolje ter biti pozitivne.


Women can considerably contribute to economic growth but neither European nor global economy shows gender equality in business management. Women are faced with numerous obstacles that prevent their entering upon leading positions therefore it is necessary to investigate the obstacles and possibilities especially among those who already achieved management positions. The author presents interviews with three Slovenian women who achieved the highest levels of management in organizations like university, bank and engineering. There are differences among them but they all claim that women who want to become managers should believe in themselves, work hard, be honest and reliable, cooperate and respect people and environment and be positive.

Ključne besede: ženske, enakost, menedžment, ovire, možnosti

Key words: women, equality, management, obstacles, possibilities


Strokovni članek



Problematika trajnostnega razvoja in družbene odgovornosti postaja vse pomembnejša tako na svetovni ravni v okviru Združenih narodov kot tudi v Evropski uniji in Republiki Sloveniji kot njeni članici, kar nam pričajo številni dokumenti, ki so bili na teh ravneh sprejeti. Prvi korak k razreševanju te problematike predstavlja ustanovitev Rimskega kluba leta 1968, ki je vključeval raziskovalce različnih področij. Želeli so ugotoviti soodvisnost in povezavo med različnimi področji ter zato obravnavali in primerjali pet spremenljivk, ki so jih daljnosežno predvideli in so še danes steber reševanj problematike: povečanje števila prebivalstva, proizvodnjo hrane, industrializacijo, porabo naravnih virov in onesnaževanje. Problematika, ki ju izpostavljata tako doktrina trajnostnega razvoja kot družbene odgovornosti, ki vključuje etiko in moralo in je izjemnega pomena za nadaljnji razvoj in obstoj človeštva. Tako trajnostni razvoj kot družbeno odgovornost vidim povezano in dopolnjujoče in hkrati v veliki meri tudi povezano s trajnostnim razvojem in družbeno odgovornostjo podjetij. Ob številnih opredelitvah trajnostnega razvoja in družbene odgovornosti izpostavljam dve, ki jih tudi sam razumem kot najbolj zgovorne: prvo, trajnostni razvoj pomeni, da je treba zadovoljiti potrebe sedanje generacije, ne da bi se tako zmanjšala sposobnost prihodnjih generacij, da zadovoljijo svoje potrebe in drugo, obveznost človeštva, da uresničuje skupne cilje, ki opredeljuje družbeno odgovornost.

Ključne besede: trajnostni razvoj, družbena odgovornost, etika, morala


The sustainable development and social responsibility problem  is becoming increasingly relevant, both at the global level within the United Nations framework, and in the European Union and the Republic of Slovenia as its member, as attested by numerous documents ratified at these levels. The first step towards resolving this problem is the 1968 founding of the Club of Rome,a think-tank of researchers from many different fields. They wanted to establish interdependence and connection among various fields, so they treated and compared five variables, then forseen and predicted, which today stand as a pillar of problem-solving:  population increase, food production, industrialisation, natural resources consumption and pollution.  This problem, which is of paramount importance for further development and existence of mankind, is highlighted respectively by the doctrines of sustainable growth and social responsibility with ethics and morals included. I consider sustainable growth and social responisbility interconnected and mutually complementary and at the same time greatly correlated with sustainable growth and social responsibility of companies. Amid numerous definitions of sustainable growth and social responsibility, I wish to highlight two as the most directly concerned with the afore-mentioned concepts: firstly, sustainable growth means that the needs of current generation have to be met without reducing the abilities of future generations to meet their needs; and secondly,what defines social responsibility is our duty as  humankind to work toward common goals.

Key words: Sustainable growth, social responsibility, ethics, morals


Strokovni članek


Po tem, ko se je zavarovalni trg Evropske unije spopadel s posledicami globalne finančne krize v letu 2008 in jo uspešno prebrodil, so institucije Unije sprejele konkretne ukrepe v smeri zaščite zavarovancev. Izkazalo se je namreč, da so zavarovanci ranljiva kategorija potrošnikov, zelo izpostavljena vsem spremembam v gospodarskem okolju. Direktive in druge pravne akte, ki jih je sprejela Evropska unija, morajo države članice implementirati v svoje lokalne zakonodajne okvire v predpisanem času,  od držav, ki so v zvezi s članstvom v Uniji v različnih fazah pogajanj, pa se pričakuje, da bodo to storile čim prej. Osrednja tema članka je primerjava zavarovalnih trgov na področju bivše Jugoslavije glede implementacije direktive Solventnost II.

Ključne besede: zavarovalni trg Evropske unije, globalna finančna kriza, zaščita zavarovancev, direktive in drugi pravni akti, implementacija direktive Solventnost II.


After the European Union's insurance market tackled the consequences of the global financial crisis in 2008, which it has successfully overcome, the Union's institutions have taken major steps towards the protection of policyholders. It turned out that policyholders are a vulnerable category of consumers, very exposed to all the changes in the economic environment. Member states have to implement the directives and other legal acts adopted by the European Union into their local legislative frameworks within the prescribed time. Countries, waiting for their membership status, are expected to do so as soon as possible. The main topic of the article is the comparison of insurance markets in the former Yugoslavia with regard to the implementation of the Solvency II Directive.

Key words: European Union insurance market, global financial crisis, protection of policyholders, directives and other legal acts, implementation of Solvency II Directive.


Strokovni članek



Vsa uspešna podjetja imajo dober sistem spremljanja poslovanja, ker tako lažje preživijo na trgu, ki se nenehno spreminja. Eno od dobrih orodij stroškovnega računovodstva za spremljanje poslovanja je tudi uravnoteženi sistem kazalnikov. To orodje omogoča spremljanje in obdelavo stroškov ter pogled tudi skozi ostale vidike poslovanja podjetja. Orodje omogoča ugotavljati stroške, ki bodo prispevali k povečevanju prihodkov, vendar pa je vpeljava takšnega orodja zelo zahtevna. Da bo orodje koristno in uporabno, mora biti vpeljava le-tega projekt celotnega podjetja na vseh nivojih in ne samo stroškovnega računovodstva. Pri uporabi uravnoteženega sistema kazalnikov obstajajo tudi slabosti, ki se jih moramo zavedati. Koristi tega orodja merimo v uporabnosti in enostavnosti ter v pridobivanju kvalitetnejših podatkov.

Ključne besede: uravnoteženi sistem kazalnikov, stroškovno računovodstvo, neračunovodske in računovodske informacije


All successful companies have a good system of business monitoring, because it is easier to survive on a market that is constantly changing. One of the good cost accounting tools for monitoring business is also a balanced scorecard. This tool allows you to monitor and process costs and view other aspects of your business. The tool allows you to identify costs that will contribute to increasing revenues, but the implementation of such a tool is very demanding. In order for the tool to be useful and beneficial it should be the introduction of the entire company's project at all levels and not just cost accounting. When using a balanced scorecard, there are also weaknesses that we must be aware of. The benefits of this tool are measured in the usability and simplicity, as well as in gathering more quality data.

Keywords: balanced scorecard, cost accounting, non-accounting and accounting information