Sedanje razmere v družbi so nas pripeljale do razmišljanja, kako organizirati varstvo otrok v posebnih razmerah. S pojavom virusa SARS-CoV-2, ki povzroča bolezen covid-19, in ukrepov, povezanih z njim, smo prišli na idejo, da bi raziskali različne načine in nasploh pomen varstva otrok v tovrstnih razmerah. Naša raziskava je temeljila na anketnem vprašalniku, razposlanem preko družbenih omrežij. Z rezultati smo prišli do zaključkov, da je staršem zanimiva storitev varovanja otrok v poslovnih objektih (blizu njihovega delovnega mesta) ali podjetjih (ob upoštevanju vseh varnostnih ukrepov) v posebnih razmerah, kamor uvrščamo tudi epidemijo covida-19. Novo storitev lahko obravnavamo kot izziv, s katerim razvijamo nove rešitve. S konkretno storitvijo lahko zagotovimo otrokom kakovostno varstvo, starše pa razbremenimo v položajih, ki pridejo na hitro, nenačrtovano in jim lahko povzročijo velike težave. Za otroke bi bili prioriteti varstvo in kakovostno vzgajanje. Poleg vzgoje pa vedno potekata tudi izobraževanje in socializacija, kjer otroci razvijajo vse sposobnosti, ki bi jih morali razvijati v primarni fazi. Starši poleg tega ne bi imeli skrbi, saj ne bi bili oddaljeni od otrok, ti pa bi se lažje vključili v vrtec, saj bi vedeli, da so njihovi starši v bližini. Za starše bi bil to manjši stres, saj bi ob prihodu v službo hkrati oddali otroka v varstvo. Ne glede na vse bi bil to uspeh ne le za otroka, ampak tudi za starše.
Ključne besede: družina, varstvo, posebne razmere, covid-19
The circumstances under which we have all been found today have led us to thinking how to organise child care in such situations to help parents and children. With occurrence of virus Covid-19 and all the measures connected to it, we have come to an idea to research the different ways and general meaning of child care in such circumstances. Our research was based on a questionnaire sent to parents via social media. Its results have led us to believe that child care at the place of work or its vicinity (bearing all safety measures) is the most interesting to working parents in need of child care under special circumstances such is the Covid-19 pandemic for example. Providing quality child care service under these types of unpredictable situations is a challenge and we are trying to find optimal solutions. We would like to provide quality child care solution to relieve the parents who are hugely affected with this kinds of situations and which cause them a lot of stress. For children, priorities are safety, quality child care, education, socialisation and development of children’s abilities. The vicinity of the child care services is important for parents, who do not have to worry about taking and picking up their children in time, but also for children, who have less trouble staying at child care, knowing that their parents are near. This type of child care is much less stressful for parents as well as children and would help them face the special circumstances with less trouble.
Key words: family, child care, circumstances, Covid-19