IBS International Business School Ljubljana
All authors who would like to contribute to IBS Newsletter are invited to send their contributions to info@ibs.si.
IBS Newsletter - Editorial |
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IBS NEWSLETTER EDITORIAL BOARDEditor-in-Chief: dr. Irena Marinko, IBS Ljubljana Editorial Board:
GUIDELINES FOR CONTRIBUTORSIBS Newsletter publishes scientific, research- and professional articles, discussions, reviews, results of university professional and/or scientific work, terminological professional articles, papers from scientific and professional conferences, summaries of excellent diploma-, master- and doctoral works mainly from the fields of international business, foreign languages, sustainable development and public administration. The classification of the articles is made on the basis of Typology of documents/works for bibliographies within the COBISS system (Tipologija dokumentov / del za vodenje bibliografij v okviru sistema COBISS). Contributions which are classified as »original scientific article« represent only the first publications of original research results in the form that enables repetition of the research and examination of the results. As a rule they should be organized according to the scheme »Introduction-Methods-Results-Discussion « (IMRAD - http://www.uta.fi/FAST/FIN/RESEARCH/imrad.html) for experimental research and/or in other suitable manner. The authors are invited to send original unpublished articles which have not been submitted for publication elsewhere. The publisher retains the copyrights for all published articles. Authors are responsible for the contents of their articles. Authors can publish their articles later but should always quote the first publication in the IBS Newsletter. Only articles that receive favourable reviews of at least two reviewers are published. Manuscripts can be written in Slovenian or in foreign languages. They should be written in good language and should be grammatically correct. The articles contain 4000 to 5000 words including remarks, references and graphic representations; other contributions can contain up to 2000 words. The cover page states the name and surname of the author, academic title or profession, and affiliation. The first page should include the title, an abstract of no more than 200 words, and key words in Slovenian and in English language. Manuscripts should be prepared on a word processor in the font Times New Roman in size 12 points with 1,5 line spacing. Emphasized parts of the text should be in italics, not bold or underlined. Figures and tables should be numbered with a title above and notes and sources below. Figures should be in Y2 point single-line frames. References in the text should be stated in parenthesis. E. g. Globalization joins processes which have included people in the global society (Albrow, 1990, 15) or As the main factor the literature most often mentions technological advancement, according to Gatignon and Kimberly (2004, 7-10). The list of references should be formatted as follows (please note punctuation and italics): |