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IBS International Business School Ljubljana

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Znanstveni članek


V prispevku obravnavamo področje motivacije posameznika v povezavi z dosežki na delovnem področju. Zanimalo nas je, ali se potreba po delovnih dosežkih posameznika razlikuje glede na stopnjo izobrazbe posameznika. Pri raziskavi teh povezav smo uporabili model W.N.Nortona. Empirična raziskava je bila narejena v zasebnem sektorju s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika v času september - oktober 2019. Zbrali smo vzorec 112 veljavno izpolnjenih vprašalnikov. Podatke smo obdelali s pomočjo programa SPSS. Rezultati kažejo, da obstajajo razlike med anketiranci v odvisnosti po stopnjah izobrazbe (srednješolska, višješolska strokovna, visokošolska, univerzitetna), vendar te razlike niso statistično značilne.  Zaposleni, ki imajo univerzitetno izobrazbo ali višjo, v povprečju izražajo večjo potrebo po dosežkih kot ostale tri skupine anketiranih, ki imajo nižjo izobrazbo (srednješolska, višješolska strokovna, visokošolska), vendar na našem vzorcu te razlike niso statistično značilne.  
Ključne besede: motivacija, posameznik, potreba, dosežek, delo, zasebni, sektor,

This article deals with motivation and achievements of employees at work. We were interested to find out whether a need for achievements at work differs regarding individual formal level of education. We have used a W.N Norton's model to research mentioned relation. Empirical research was performed in the private sector based. Data were collected with the use of questionnaire in the period of September to October 2019. Sample of 112 employees was gathered. SPSS programme was used for data analysis. Results show that there are differences between employees about the need for achievements at work regarding individual formal level of education (middle school, vocational school, university-VS, university - UN). Employees with university-UN education in average show higher need for achievements at work than other groups of employees with lower formal education (middle school, vocational school, university-VS), but differences are not statistically important.
Key words: motivation, individual, need, achievement, work, private, sector


Znanstveni članek


V splošnem je logistična industrija znatno prispevala k razvoju družbe in ekonomije. Vendar pa mora upoštevati vidik okolja, saj se trajnost zahteva na vseh področjih poslovanja. Razmere, ki smo jim priča, gotovo vplivajo na mobilnost tako ljudi kot blaga. Zaradi tega v prispevku predstavljamo prakse, ugotovitve, razmišljanja in opredelitve vidikov trajnosti v logistični industriji ter posebej vloge logističnih storitev zunanjih ponudnikov t. i. tretjih oseb v logistiki (third-party logistics-3PL). Pri tem pregled literature kaže na povečano ozaveščenost odjemalcev logističnih storitev kot tudi končnih potrošnikov blaga, zlasti pa vpliva na vlogo organizacijske kulture logističnih podjetij. Zaradi tega podjetja uvajajo strateške pobude, ki so gonilo »zelenih« inovacij v logistični industriji 3PL. Čeprav različni avtorji ugotavljajo, da so zelene inovacije tvegano prizadevanje, se v praksi izkazuje, da lahko omogočijo dolgoročne konkurenčne prednosti pri razlikovanju od konkurentov.

Ključne besede: canvas; logistika; načrtovanje virov podjetja; ogljični odtis; poslovni model; trajnost; 3PL; transport; zgostitev

The logistics sector in general has significantly contributed to society and economy. However, it needs to consider the aspect of the environment because sustainability is demanded in every sphere of business including logistics. The situation we are witnessing is certainly affecting the mobility of both people and goods. For this reason, the paper presents the practices, findings, considerations and definitions of sustainability aspects in the logistics industry, and in particular the role of outsourcing logistics services i.e. third-party logistics (3PL). In doing so, the literature review indicates an increased awareness of logistics customers as well as end-users of goods, and in particular affects the role of the organizational culture of companies. As a result, companies are launching strategic imperatives that drive green innovation in the 3PL logistics industry. Although various authors have found that green innovation is a risky endeavor it has been shown in practice that it can provide long-term competitive advantages in differentiation from competitors.

Keywords: business model; canvas; congestion; carbon footprint; enterprise resource planning; logistic; sustainability; 3PL; transport



Strokovni članek



Z boljšo organizacijo lahko povečamo učinkovitost delovanja podjetja, ki je potrebna za dolgoročni razvoj in obstoj na trgu. Če v podjetju ocenijo, da bi radi postali bolj učinkoviti, morajo najprej narediti oceno prvotnega stanja. Po opravljeni prvotni oceni stanja v podjetju začnejo vpeljevati spremembe, ki se morajo ustrezno beležiti in evidentirati. Po določenem obdobju se v podjetju primerja novo stanje s starim in ugotavlja ali so zadovoljni z učinki, ki so si jih začrtali na začetku teh sprememb. Če so v podjetju s spremembami zadovoljni, jih vpeljejo kot nove procese in jih izvajajo v celotnem podjetju, če pa niso zadovoljni z doseženimi rezultati, pa na osnovi analize korigirajo ugotovljene spremembe. Organizacija podjetja se lahko vedno spreminja in izboljšuje s ciljem stroškovne učinkovitosti. To je proces, ki ga mora podjetje stalno spremljati in nadgrajevati skozi celotno njegovo delovanje.

Ključne besede: organizacija, spremembe, stroškovna učinkovitost, prenova procesov, dobiček


With bettter organization, we can increase the efficincy of the company needed for long-term development and existence in the market. If companies evaluate thet they want to become more effcient in their business, they must first make an initial assessment. After the initial assessment  of the situation in the company, they begin to introduce changes that must be properly written and recorded. After a certain period, the company compares the new situation with the old one and determines whether they are satisfied with the effects they had outlined at the beginning of these changes. If they are satisfied with the changes in the company, they introduce them as new processes and implement them in the entire company, but if they are not satisfied with the results achieved, they correct the changes found on the basis of the analysis. The organization of a company can always change and improve with the goal of cost effectiveness. This is a process that the company must constantly monitor and upgrade throughout it operations.

Keywords: organization, change, cost effectiveness, renovation of the process, profit