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E-journal IBS Newsletter is devoted to Slovenian and foreign scientists, researchers, specialists, students and experts in the fields of international business, sustainable development, foreign languages and public administration. The most important part of IBS Newsletter is publishing of reviewed scientific, research, professional and popular articles that discuss themes like international business, sustainable development, organization, law, environmental economics and politics, marketing, research methods, management, corporate social responsibility and other topics.


IBS International Business School Ljubljana

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Znanstveni članek



V prispevku obravnavamo področje organizacijske kulture, natančneje dveh njenih oblik: statično – formalne in dinamično – neformalne. Zanimalo nas je, ali obstaja razlika med izražanjem nagnjenosti do ene ali druge oblike organizacijske kulture med zaposlenimi v javnem in zasebnem sektorju. S pomočjo statističnih testov smo ugotovili, da med skupinami obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike, pri čemer so rezultati pokazali, da zaposlene v javnem sektorju bolje označuje statično – formalna oblika, zaposlene v zasebnem sektorju pa dinamično – neformalna oblika organizacijske kulture. Ne glede na potrjene razlike, pa opisne vrednosti odgovorov kažejo na to, da so razlike med njimi relativno majhne, zato bi kazalo v prihodnje izpeljati nadaljnje natančnejše analize znotraj sektorjev.

Ključne besede: organizacijska kultura, oblike organizacijske kulture, javni sektor, zasebni sektor


The article deals with the field of organizational culture, more precisely two of its forms: static - formal and dynamic - informal. We were interested in whether there is a difference between expressing the tendency towards one or another form of organizational culture among public and private sector employees. With the help of statistical tests, we found that there are statistically significant differences between the groups, with the results showing that employees in the public sector better indicate the static - formal form, while the employees in the private sector are dynamic - informal forms of organizational culture. Regardless of the differences confirmed, the descriptive values of the responses indicate that the differences between them are relatively small, so in the future would be expected to carry out further detailed analyzes within the sectors.

Key words: organizational culture, organizational forms of culture, public sector, private sector


Strokovni članek



Članek opisuje spremembe, ki jih IBS Mednarodna poslovna šola Ljubljana uvedla v visokošolske oziroma magistrske programe, odkar je leta 2015 sprejela na študente osredotočeno učenje v svojo strategijo. Na osnovi projekta Empowering teachers for a student-centred approach so vodstvo in visokošolski učitelji pričeli načrtno uvajati dobre prakse v učni proces in v ocenjevanje ter uporabljati druge pedagoške in organizacijske pristope, ki upoštevajo sposobnosti, potrebe, izkušnje, pričakovanja, osnovno znanje in interese študentov. Po dveh letih so opazne precejšnje razlike med nekdanjim in sedanjim pristopom do študentov, vendar pa obstaja še veliko možnosti in načinov, da se visokošolsko izobraževanje še bolj osredotoči na študente.

Ključne besede: visokošolsko izobraževanje, uvajanje na študente osredotočenega učenja, IBS Mednarodna poslovna šola Ljubljana


The article describes changes that IBS International Business School Ljubljana incorporated in its BA and MA programmes since 2015 when it introduced student-centred learning in its strategy. On the basis of the project Empowering teachers for a student-centred approach IBS management and teachers started with planned introduction of good practices into the learning process, assessment and with other pedagogical and organizational approaches that consider students' capacities, needs, experiences, perspectives, backgrounds, and interests. After two years there are quite some differences between the former and the present approach to students but there are still many possibilities to focus university education on students.

Key words: university education, incorporation of student-centred learning, IBS International Business School Ljubljana


Strokovni članek


Znana krilatica, da je svet postal le ena ˝globalna vas˝, šteje že desetletje in več. Seveda to tehnično gledano olajša poslovanje in izmenjavo z najbolj oddaljenih koncev sveta, po drugi strani pa zahteva sprejemanje in dojemanje dodatnih informacij ter signalov, mimo katerih ne moremo. Še več: dojemanje in sprejemanje različnih, iz nacionalnih in s tem tudi poslovnih kultur izvedenih informacij,  je  predpogoj za že navadno razmišljanje o poslovanju z nekom, tako različnim od nas. Potrebno se je najprej seznaniti in razumeti, nato sprejeti, kulturne razlike obvladovati, včasih morda, celo, ali pa tudi - preseči. Za primer sem vzel ruski trg. Je velik in prav zato pomemben. Ker je velik, je tudi raznolik, v nekaterih pogledih poseben, mnogokrat zahteven, včasih morda celo zakompliciran. Zdi se, da je v Sloveniji le nekaj podjetij, ki ga uspešno obvladujejo, ker ga očitno razumejo. Posla na tem trgu ni enostavno niti začeti, še težje ga je ohranjati, obvladovati in gojiti. Poznamo silno uspešne, pa tudi klavrno propadle primere. Z enim stavkom: vse se začne in konča pri ljudeh, nas samih in poslovnih partnerjih.

Z metodami klasifikacije, deskripcije in kompilacije sem iz izbrane literature prišel do potrditve hipoteze, da v današnjem času ˝globalna vas˝ dejansko pomeni uporabo novih tehničnih in tehnoloških rešitev (digitalizacija, internet) pri poslovanju na svetovni ravni. Olajšuje in s tem omogoča hitrejše in natančnejše komuniciranje; tudi poravnavanje obveznosti. Vse ostalo, človeški odnosi in s tem povezane navade in občutja, pa se kljub v zadnjem desetletju znatnim tehničnim in tehnološkim poenostavitvam poslovanja niso in se očitno tudi ne morejo kar tako spontano spremeniti. Kulturne razlike ostajajo in kakor kaže, se v zadnjem času s poudarjenim zavzemanjem za uveljavljanje lastnih navad in načel, ter očitno z namenskim pomanjkanjem empatije oz. sprejemanjem in dojemanjem tujih, še povečujejo. Razlike ponovno delijo in otežujejo, namesto da bi bogatile in pospeševale izmenjavo mnenj in stališč v iskanju konsenza in s tem najboljših rešitev. Z drugimi besedami: globalizacija nam po lastni krivdi omogoča lažje poslovanje le v tehnološkem smislu; za, recimo ji ˝psihološko globalizacijo˝, pa se moramo še naprej truditi. Pred tem pa to sploh želeti.

Razlike so seveda tudi med nami in Rusi, a jih dovolj uspešno premagujemo. Morda zaradi nekaterih podobnosti. Poskušamo se razumeti in najti skupen interes, kar nas združuje. Zavedamo se, da ne moremo mimo uveljavljenih navad, Rusi pa nas kot ˝tradicionalne prijatelje˝ tudi lažje sprejmejo in pri svojih navadah morda kdaj v našo korist tudi ˝popustijo˝.
Ključne besede: Rusija, Slovenija, organizacija, globalizacija

A well-known fact, that the world has become just ˝one global village", has been in existence for a decade and more. Of course, this technically facilitates the operation and exchange from the outermost regions of the world, but on the other hand, it requires the reception and perception of additional information and signals, which we cannot ignore. Even more: perceiving and accepting various, from the national and, consequently, to business-oriented information, is a prerequisite for thinking about doing business and cooperate with someone so different from us. It is necessary, first to acquaint and understand, then to accept, to cope with cultural differences, sometimes even to overcome. As the case I have taken Russian market. It is big and therefore important. Because it is large, it is also varied and demanding, in some respects specific, sometimes even complicated. It seems that there are only a few companies from Slovenia that manage it successfully, because they obviously understand it. The business on this market is not easy even to start, very hard to maintain, manage it and keep it growing. We know for very successful as well as for classically failed cases. With one sentence: everything starts and ends with people, ourselves and (business) partners.

Using the methods of classification, description and compilation, I have come to the confirmation of the hypothesis that the "global village" actually means the use of new technical and technological solutions (digitalization, Internet) in global operations. It facilitates and enables faster and more precise communication - including, e.g., settlement of liabilities. All the rest, human relations and related habits and feelings, cannot, of course, be changed spontaneously. Cultural differences remain and, as it seems, recently, with an emphasized commitment to enforcing one's own habits and principles, and apparently with a dedicated lack of empathy, acceptance and perception of foreign ones, are even and unfortunately increasing. Differences re-differentiate and aggravate again, rather than enriching and fostering the exchange of views and positions in seeking consensus and thus the best solutions. In other words: globalization, by our own fault, makes it easier to operate only in a technological sense; for, let say, "psychological globalization", we still must continue to work hard. But the prerequisite for this is wish for it, and wish and will to do it.

The differences are, of course, between us and the Russians, but we sufficiently successful overcome them. Perhaps due to some similarities. We try to understand and find a common interest that unites us. We both are aware that we cannot bypass the established habits. And because Russians accept us as "traditional friends", (just) sometimes let us be with our habits and they do not insist on their own.
Key words: Russia, Slovenia, organization, globalization.